corders in the hague

It's like having the Corders round for dinner - except the kids don't smash stuff and Mike doesn't drink all your booze. And when you're bored you can get rid of us with a mouse click rather than having to start tidying up the house.

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Location: The Hague, Netherlands

Friday, April 04, 2008


We'd talked about it, of course. 
Show me a couple who have been married for more than 10 years who hasn't already taken the plunge or at the very least read about it in Cosmo (in the dentist's waiting room) and wondered about the ethics of it. The Morals of it.
Anyway, this week, almost on a whim, we took the plunge. 
Irmie and I got a Brazilian.
I just wish we'd done it years ago.
We're new people. Suddenly, we seem to be spending more time together.
Nothing really feels the same any more.
Suffice it to say, the bedroom is a more inviting place than it has been for some time. Going to the toilet is more fun!
If there are any new mums out there among my readership (and I secretly suspect my entire readership may be made up of two new mums - take a bow, Becky and Meraiah) this is a must for you.
All I can say is that if any of you have been mulling over taking the plunge - go ahead: Get yourselves a cleaning lady from Rio like we did. You won't regret it.


Blogger Tim, M2 and E said...

Yikes Mike. Thank you for putting that extremely disturbing image in my head ... M

3:22 AM  

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