Dingo facts and figures

A quick Dingo-related running tally four days into her life with us:
Indoor piss puddles mopped up: 20, 25, Oh, I don’t know.Oceans.
Indoor turds picked up (and in one nasty case wiped up): 8-10ish.
Sleep-deficient nights: 4.
Complaints from the snotty next door neighbor: 1. She suggested we get a cat. I suggest she gets a new house.
Dining table chairs eaten (partially): 4 (two to go).
Longing looks by attractive women in my general direction (but primarily, I fear, in Dingo’s direction): 6.
Longing looks by unattractive women in my general direction (but primarily, I fear, in Dingo’s direction): who cares?
Number of times Esther and Julia have reneged on their absolute, cross-my-hear-hope-to-die promises to take the dog out morning, noon and night: Surprisingly few, but give them time.
It's not scientific, but I'd estimate she's defecated about twice the weight of food she's eaten. Don't ask me how that happens.